The EquityXL™ Equation and Plan

The Equation: Wealth – Debt = EQUITY

Having less debt is the equivalent of having more wealth which increases equity and net worth. EquityXL™ analyzes and details a specific plan, the Equity XLerator™ Plan, to eliminate debt and free-up cash flow WHILE building tax-free wealth that can be used now and in the future

Change Can Be Easy!

To create a more efficient financial plan where your money is working for you, not the banks or creditors, we will need to make some changes… but there is good news – the changes will be easy without compromising your income, cash flow, or lifestyle!

Your Current Plan

  • You put your money where banks use it, then you pay your debts and expenses and save whatever is left over and charge excess spending to credit cards
  • You Spend THEN Save creating Opportunity Cost on the money you give away
  • You save money and build wealth in accounts that bear low interest (.01%) or are risky and penalize you for the use of your money

Your New Plan

  • You will pay yourself first and earn interest before paying debts and expenses
  • You will Spend AND Save eliminating Opportunity Cost on your money
  • You will earn 400X interest than a traditional bank and have unhindered use and control of your money

You Only Need 4 Things to Be Successful

A little bit of money

(that you are already spending)

A little bit of time

(to see impact to your finances)

A little bit of discipline

(to develop good financial habits)

A little bit of trust

(to see the TOTAL plan work)

Can You Do These 4 Things?


Strategy Description

So, how will you be able to pay off your debts so quickly without spending more to do it? It’s simple – you will redirect your cash flow in a more efficient manner the way banks and financial institutions do to leverage your money and make it work more effectively for you. At first, these principles and strategies may seem counterintuitive, but once you see them working together you will have a new perspective on how money can work for you.

Identify Inefficient Payment Strategies

After entering in all your financial data, our software charts the best plan to redirect inefficient money on a more productive path both earning you interest and canceling interest working against you. We are not spending more money, just spending it in a more efficient manner! Where do we find the money?

Make Minimum Payment to all Debts

All debts will be trimmed to minimum payments moving forward with a targeted payoff date scheduled to make a lump sum payoff at the optimal time. This eliminates the Opportunity Cost associated with overpayment and we begin to earn interest on our money before we spend it.

Build Up Cash Value

The key component of the Equity XLerator™ Plan is the funding of an accumulation-focused Whole Life Insurance contract that takes advantage of uninterrupted compounding, unhindered access and control, and tax-favored treatment under IRS Code 7702. We redirect those inefficient dollars the way the Rockefellers and Rothschilds learned to do over 150 years ago!

Take Out Policy Loans to Pay Off Debts

The Equity XLerator™ Plan will calculate exactly when there will be enough money
to take a policy loan to eliminate a debt balance without interrupting the compounding growth and then use the freed-up debt payment to repay the loan. You will be paying yourself back instead of making payments to lenders and creditors and earning the interest for yourself!

Redirecting Inefficient Dollars

With EquityXL™ you will not be spending any more money than you were before, just redirecting inefficient money into a more efficient account that only increases over time and never goes down. Only a properly designed Whole Life Insurance contract can keep growing and earning interest while you have access to early policy loans to quickly eliminate the debt and interest working against you!

Within your economy you will be redirecting your money progressively where it works more for you and less for banks and creditors. We will move money within the following categories and never spend more than you were before:

1. Policy Premiums from inefficient dollars
2. Minimum debt payments
3. Policy Loans
4. Freed-up cash flow from eliminating debts


  • Overpayments
  • Life Insurance Premiums and 1035 Exchanges
  • Tax Refunds
  • Investments and Savings
  • Lump Sums from Accounts
  • Budget/Spending Analysis

As we free up cash flow and payments by eliminating debt, we are also building wealth through continuous compounding that never stops

Your Current Plan

The table below shows all your debts with current timeline making minimum payments. Although you may be making more than the minimum payment on your debts, this creates Opportunity Cost for future wealth generation and will take longer to pay all your debts in total.

Debt Principal


Scheduled Interest


Total Payments


Time To Pay Off

24 Years and 11 Months

Because of how interest is calculated on an amortization schedule, making only the minimum payment for 5 years on a loan with a 3.5% interest rate will result in over 60% of your total payment going to interest. By implementing this strategy, you can effectively eliminate thousands of dollars of interest and pay it to yourself instead.

Consumer Debt

Principal $133,779.00
Interest $22,287.42

Mortgage Debt

Principal $603,200.00
Interest $256,771.49

Your Equity XLerator™ Plan

By redirecting $5,543.00 of your money and making minimum payments to debts, your Equity XLerator™ Plan will have you 100% debt-free in 7 Years and 7 Months instead of 24 Years and 11 Months . You will accomplish this without spending any more money than you were before!

Turning Your Debt into Wealth

While your debt is being paid off, you will be making a monumental change in your spending habits and finances that you never knew existed before. You will be creating perpetual uninterrupted compound interest from the same money that is eliminating your debt that will continue to grow for as long as your plan stays in place. With your freed-up cash flow that was going toward debt, you can supercharge the plan to build massive wealth that can be used at any time and for any reason – no qualifying or begging the lender.

You Are Becoming Your Own Banker!

In 20 years you are projected to have $1,931,469.95 in total assets!
In 30 years you are projected to have $4,090,212.53 in total assets!
In 40 years you are projected to have $6,430,039.05 in total assets!

Imagine having the ability to borrow money from your policy for any reason without a credit check or application process and having your money within days or even hours. The best part is that the cash value continues to grow like you never took the loan!

Here are some additional benefits that you get along the way…
  • Buying an increasing asset not a liability
  • Your money is performing multiple jobs
  • An exempt asset for means-tested financial
  • Legal protection in most states under
    contract law
  • Lower taxes in retirement
  • Permanent Death Benefit protection for the
    WHEN not IF
  • Estate and legacy planning efficiency
  • Living benefits for specific medical conditions and LTC type benefits

Plan Summary

Your Equity XLerator™ Plan uses fundamental banking and financial principles to quickly eliminate debt, free-up cash flow, and build tax-free wealth. Rather than compromising your lifestyle to get out of debt, EquityXL™ uses the money you are already spending to significantly reduce the interest you will pay, reduce your tax liability, and build wealth in a way that creates tremendous cash flow before and during retirement. Better yet,
because it is life insurance with living benefits, it works for you no matter what happens the rest of your life and passes tax-free to your beneficiaries.

Its not magic, just math combined with a few simple strategies that can free-up cash flow quickly and build significant wealth over time. Using the information that you provided, we have compared your current financial plan with the strategies outlined in the Equity XLerator™ Plan. Below are the time and financial savings you can expect by implementing this plan.

Important Dates

Below are important dates in your Equity XLerator™ Plan to stay on track and meet or even exceed your projected timing for financial freedom. Each date listed below is when you need to take a policy loan to pay off a debt. Once the loan is taken out, you will redirect the freed-up payment to pay back the loan to your policy. You are now paying yourself instead of making payments to a creditor.

Here is how you can monitor loans and know when to pay off the next debt:
  1. Establish an online policy portal connected to your bank account
  2. Submit a loan request to the carrier when a debt is to be paid off
  3. The online policy account will track the loan balance and net cash available
  4. Pay back the loan with the freed-up debt payment to go toward the next debt
    1. Set-up an EFT for regular monthly drafts
    2. Write a check to the carrier
    3. Transfer funds online from your bank account to the carrier
  5. When there is enough cash available for the next debt, take a loan and repeat
In many cases the smaller consumer debts are eliminated and the loans are repaid before the larger debts like mortgages will be paid off. This is a great time for many clients to double down and start a second policy so they can accelerate their debt payoff timeline and build even more wealth! We will assess your financial needs and goals when we reach that date in order to assess the best strategy for you at that time considering the market conditions and options available.

Getting Started

Identify financial goals and funding

Make only minimum payments on debts

After approval initiate your Equity XLerator™ Plan

Work with your advisor to pay off your first debts
Do not create new debts
Apply for an offer from the insurance company
Redirect inefficient money to premiums and loan repayments
Build tax-free wealth that works for you not the banks!

Final Thoughts About Debt


Debt always compromises our true potential


Debt always delays our path to financial freedom


Debt takes what is ours and gives to others


Debt takes away our hopes and dreams and creates futility


Debt reduces our choices and can force us to make poor decisions


Debt robs us of dignity, empowerment, and control of our emotions


Debt creates stress and anxiety that manifest into physical effects


Debt robs us of strength, peace and joy

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